B i o i c o n S k i l l C a r e
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What is a module? What is a course?

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2 Enrolled
3 Lessons
Duration : 00:42:00

Course Description

A module is a complete block with thematically defined results, given workload (credit points) and clear evaluation criteria. A module can consist of one or more courses and one or more examinations (credits and/or subject examinations). A module is registered only once, whereas a course can be attended or registered for more than once. What kind of courses are offered? Lecture: A lecture usually lasts one, sometimes two semesters, and deals with a coherent subject matter. Practice, tutorium: In practices or tutoriums, the subject matter of the lecture or other topics are worked on and “practiced” in small groups. Seminar: Seminars are particularly common in social and human science degree programs.Topics and questions from research are worked out in small or medium-sized groups and discussed intensively together. “Proseminars” are seminars for first-year students. Internships: Especially in the natural science and engineering degree programmes, experiments are carried out in laboratory and field internships in order to apply the knowledge gained in lectures and to acquire experience in experimental, scientific work. Excursion: During your studies you will visit research facilities or other places outside of the TU Darmstadt. Sometimes even on other continents.

Course Outcomes


Course Faq




Hardson Smith

a week ago

Synergistically than scalable platforms. Conveniently visualize installed online theproducts interactive results. Collaboratively corporate experiences open is applications.

Course Instructors


Shafiqul Islam